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As the Land Code Development Committee, our job is to review and develop a comunity Land Code, based on the direction of the MMFN membership. We outreach to the membership and gather feedback for the Land Code. We also review all relevant information to develop a structured Land Code that will best represent the community’s collective vision and needs.
We are optomistic that our community will be successful in regaining control of our lands and resources. We have come so far...imagine what MMFN can accomplish when our own people are making decisions relating to the governance of our lands!
By working together, MMFN can reach new heights in economic development, employment and training opportunities, cultural and environmental protection and so much more.
WE NEED YOUR INPUT! Please contact us with any questions or comments regarding this process, documents, and upcoming community information sessions, by using the form and/or contact information provided.
We look forward to speaking with you!